Les editions calyane celebrates its 25th anniversary!!!
thank you for making my music bloom around the world!!!
Caroline Lizotte

Kheírōn, Op.53 Nocturne for Harp


Kheírōn, Op.53 Nocturne for Harp (2024)

Kheírōn opus 53 is a commission work from harpist Heather Cornelius, whose mission is to share and raise awareness of the many artists who live and work with mental illness. The instability, suffering and struggle to heal, inspired me greatly to write this nocturnal, romantic era form particularly suitable for communicating feelings.
Kheírōn (Chiron) is a god-centaur of Greek mythology. In the analysis of birth charts, it is also a planetoid representing the fight in difficulty and trials. Studying it is therefore like exploring its shadow, diving deep into oneself to face its fears and wounds in order to make the light shine.
The work begins and ends with a bourdon produced by a clothespin placed on the base of the last bass string. Thanks to the vibration wood on wood, one can hear purring the tonic of Kheírōn and enter into isolation and solitude. The soft A major tonality  always brings hope.