Les editions calyane celebrates its 25th anniversary!!!
thank you for making my music bloom around the world!!!
Caroline Lizotte

:: Prix Opus 2023 :: Composer of the year ::

:: Prix Opus 2023 :: Composer of the year ::

The jury members of the Prix Opus say of her work, “We wish to recognize the original, personal, and very refined style of Caroline Lizotte. This composer creates works which are simultaneously innovative and accessible, which have greatly influenced [the harp...
:: La Fab ::

:: La Fab ::

https://www.lafabriqueculturelle.tv/capsules/14313/caroline-lizotte-harpiste-pour-melomanes-curieux A superb archival document on Caroline Lizotte and les éditions Calyane!
:: Lizotte Academia 2023 ::

:: Lizotte Academia 2023 ::

:: Specialized academy on Caroline Lizotte’s works. Come stay a few days in the composer’s village and discover the heart of each piece you will work with her, the innovative techniques, the use of the accessories inherent in her works. In addition, benefit from her...