by Caroline Lizotte | Jan 1, 2023 | News, Nouvelles
:: Specialized academy on Caroline Lizotte’s works. Come stay a few days in the composer’s village and discover the heart of each piece you will work with her, the innovative techniques, the use of the accessories inherent in her works. In addition, benefit from her...
by Caroline Lizotte | Feb 25, 2020 | News
Stellar Sonata opus 51 for electroacoustic harp in Montreal on March 8, 2020 3:30 p.m. Montreal Conservatory of Music – Harpenning event Original works for harp by Caroline Lizotte performed by the...
by Thierry | Jun 6, 2019 | News, Nouvelles
In Quebec pre-premiere on June 8, 8 pm at the Montfort Pavilion in Wentworth-Nord See the poster Tickets
by Thierry | Jun 6, 2019 | News, Nouvelles
:: La Madone opus 43 lullaby for solo harp :: required piece for American Harp Society Anne Adams Award 2020
by Thierry | Feb 5, 2018 | News, Nouvelles
Commissionned by Ariel Barnes cellist and Heidi Krutzen harpist from the Couloir Duo. World premiere at the International Chamber Music Festival Ottawa, July 2013.
by Thierry | Feb 5, 2018 | News, Nouvelles
Stellae Saltantem opus 49 Commissionned by the Atlantic Harp Duo, harpists Marta Power Luce et Elizabeth Jaxon. World premiere received in July 2014 for the World Harp Congress, 12e édition, held in Sydney, Australia.